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ndk-stack 으로 so 파일 debugging 하기 본문

Android Development

ndk-stack 으로 so 파일 debugging 하기

꿈소년 2013. 5. 13. 23:10
refer to : http://yssays.wordpress.com/2011/12/27/android-ndk-stack-tool/

 android ndk 내에 ndk-stack 이 있다. 

라이브러리에서 생긴 문제가 되는 라인이 어딘지 찾아낸다.

1)  adb logcat |  ndk-stack -sym <Path to  your shared libraries>

2)  ndk-stack -sym <Path to  your shared libraries> -dump <file name containing the  crash logs>



To do this, you will first need a directory containing symbolic versions of your

application's shared libraries. If you use the NDK build system (i.e. ndk-build),

then these are always located under $PROJECT_PATH/obj/local/&lt;ab&gt;, where

&lt;ab&gt; stands for your device's ABI (i.e. 'armeabi' by default).

You can feed the logcat text either as direct input to the program, e.g.:

   adb logcat | $NDK/ndk-stack -sym $PROJECT_PATH/obj/local/armeabi

Or you can use the -dump option to specify the logcat as an input file, e.g.:

   adb logcat &gt; /tmp/foo.txt

   $NDK/ndk-stack -sym $PROJECT_PATH/obj/local/armeabi -dump foo.txt

추가적으로 tomstone 파일과 합쳐서 보기

cat <tombstone 파일> | ndk-stack sym /out/target/product/generic/symbols/system/lib >> symbol.txt