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Activity unregister / Leaked IntentReceiver issue 본문

Android Development

Activity unregister / Leaked IntentReceiver issue

꿈소년 2013. 5. 9. 23:36

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This is a Android activity life cycle issue. I am seeing it in a main activity and then testing on device with the back button that goes back to a splash screen.

In the onPause() method.

Unregister the Broadcast Receiver that you created in the onCreate()

In the onRestart() re-register a brand new Broadcast Receiver.

In the activity class you need to keep a record of the Broadcast Receiver as instance data member.


I think this also a feature enhancement issue with Android.

Sometimes developer need a broadcast receiver to outlive the activity. For example to understand when certain screen states are available or not. Think about a conversation context of work flow model, which has many states.


You can register and unregister broadcast receivers with an activity, but a simple call like isRegistered(BroadcastReceiver) in the Activity class might be very useful.

If you need receivers to live beyond the activity, then I do not the answer, except to silence the warning, by adding unregister(X) in the onDestroy() call. YMMV ;-)

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