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ISO Entities - Special Characters Name List 본문

Android Development

ISO Entities - Special Characters Name List

꿈소년 2017. 2. 3. 15:55

안드로이드 strings.xml 파일에서 사용할 수 있는 특수 캐릭터 코드.

ISO Entities

Name CodeNumber CodeGlyphDescription
‘left single quote
’right single quote
‚single low-9 quote
“left double quote
”right double quote
„double low-9 quote
‡double dagger
‰per mill sign
‹single left-pointing angle quote
›single right-pointing angle quote
♠black spade suit
♣black club suit
♥black heart suit
♦black diamond suit
‾overline, = spacing overscore
←leftward arrow
↑upward arrow
→rightward arrow
↓downward arrow
™trademark sign
Name CodeNumber CodeGlyphDescription
	horizontal tab

line feed
!!exclamation mark
""double quotation mark
##number sign
$$dollar sign
%%percent sign
((left parenthesis
))right parenthesis
++plus sign
Name CodeNumber CodeGlyphDescription
0-9digits 0-9
&lt;&#60;<less-than sign
&#61;=equals sign
&gt;&#62;>greater-than sign
&#63;?question mark
&#64;@at sign
&#65;-&#90;uppercase letters A-Z
&#91;[left square bracket
&#93;]right square bracket
&#95;_horizontal bar (underscore)
&#96;`grave accent
&#97;-&#122;lowercase letters a-z
&#123;{left curly brace
&#124;|vertical bar
Name CodeNumber CodeGlyphDescription
&#125;}right curly brace
&ndash;&#150;en dash
&mdash;&#151;em dash
&nbsp;&#160;nonbreaking space
&iexcl;&#161;¡inverted exclamation
&cent;&#162;¢cent sign
&pound;&#163;£pound sterling
&curren;&#164;¤general currency sign
&yen;&#165;¥yen sign
&brvbar; or &brkbar;&#166;¦broken vertical bar
&sect;&#167;§section sign
&uml; or &die;&#168;¨umlaut
&ordf;&#170;ªfeminine ordinal
&laquo;&#171;«left angle quote
&not;&#172;¬not sign
&shy;&#173;soft hyphen
&reg;&#174;®registered trademark
&macr; or &hibar;&#175;¯macron accent
Name CodeNumber CodeGlyphDescription
&deg;&#176;°degree sign
&plusmn;&#177;±plus or minus
&sup2;&#178;²superscript two
&sup3;&#179;³superscript three
&acute;&#180;´acute accent
&micro;&#181;µmicro sign
&para;&#182;paragraph sign
&middot;&#183;·middle dot
&sup1;&#185;¹superscript one
&ordm;&#186;ºmasculine ordinal
&raquo;&#187;»right angle quote
&iquest;&#191;¿inverted question mark
&Agrave;&#192;Àuppercase A, grave accent
&Aacute;&#193;Áuppercase A, acute accent
&Acirc;&#194;Âuppercase A, circumflex accent
Name CodeNumber CodeGlyphDescription
&Atilde;&#195;Ãuppercase A, tilde
&Auml;&#196;Äuppercase A, umlaut
&Aring;&#197;Åuppercase A, ring
&AElig;&#198;Æuppercase AE
&Ccedil;&#199;Çuppercase C, cedilla
&Egrave;&#200;Èuppercase E, grave accent
&Eacute;&#201;Éuppercase E, acute accent
&Ecirc;&#202;Êuppercase E, circumflex accent
&Euml;&#203;Ëuppercase E, umlaut
&Igrave;&#204;Ìuppercase I, grave accent
&Iacute;&#205;Íuppercase I, acute accent
&Icirc;&#206;Îuppercase I, circumflex accent
&Iuml;&#207;Ïuppercase I, umlaut
&ETH;&#208;Ðuppercase Eth, Icelandic
&Ntilde;&#209;Ñuppercase N, tilde
&Ograve;&#210;Òuppercase O, grave accent
&Oacute;&#211;Óuppercase O, acute accent
&Ocirc;&#212;Ôuppercase O, circumflex accent
&Otilde;&#213;Õuppercase O, tilde
Name CodeNumber CodeGlyphDescription
&Ouml;&#214;Öuppercase O, umlaut
&times;&#215;×multiplication sign
&Oslash;&#216;Øuppercase O, slash
&Ugrave;&#217;Ùuppercase U, grave accent
&Uacute;&#218;Úuppercase U, acute accent
&Ucirc;&#219;Ûuppercase U, circumflex accent
&Uuml;&#220;Üuppercase U, umlaut
&Yacute;&#221;Ýuppercase Y, acute accent
&THORN;&#222;Þuppercase THORN, Icelandic
&szlig;&#223;ßlowercase sharps, German
&agrave;&#224;àlowercase a, grave accent
&aacute;&#225;álowercase a, acute accent
&acirc;&#226;âlowercase a, circumflex accent
&atilde;&#227;ãlowercase a, tilde
&auml;&#228;älowercase a, umlaut
&aring;&#229;ålowercase a, ring
&aelig;&#230;ælowercase ae
&ccedil;&#231;çlowercase c, cedilla
&egrave;&#232;èlowercase e, grave accent
Name CodeNumber CodeGlyphDescription
&eacute;&#233;élowercase e, acute accent
&ecirc;&#234;êlowercase e, circumflex accent
&euml;&#235;ëlowercase e, umlaut
&igrave;&#236;ìlowercase i, grave accent
&iacute;&#237;ílowercase i, acute accent
&icirc;&#238;îlowercase i, circumflex accent
&iuml;&#239;ïlowercase i, umlaut
&eth;&#240;ðlowercase eth, Icelandic
&ntilde;&#241;ñlowercase n, tilde
&ograve;&#242;òlowercase o, grave accent
&oacute;&#243;ólowercase o, acute accent
&ocirc;&#244;ôlowercase o, circumflex accent
&otilde;&#245;õlowercase o, tilde
&ouml;&#246;ölowercase o, umlaut
&divide;&#247;÷division sign
&oslash;&#248;ølowercase o, slash
&ugrave;&#249;ùlowercase u, grave accent
&uacute;&#250;úlowercase u, acute accent
&ucirc;&#251;ûlowercase u, circumflex accent
Name CodeNumber CodeGlyphDescription
&uuml;&#252;ülowercase u, umlaut
&yacute;&#253;ýlowercase y, acute accent
&thorn;&#254;þlowercase thorn, Icelandic
&yuml;&#255;ÿlowercase y, umlaut

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